Friday, March 5, 2010

bowie knives, beards, and stones!

This is what I'm talking about! I came across a very amusing and inspiring article yesterday on Xtri, but unfortunately it came about a month too late for me. This would have certainly helped with keeping me in the right frame of mind had I read it when it was published, about three days prior to the Blizzard of 2010, Snowpocalypse, etc. Still, I think I did ok even without it.This article captures the essence of ironman training through a Pittsburgh winter, when you just have to knuckle up, HTFU, or embrace the Winter of the caveman ala Duncan Larkin, and just get out in the cold and suck it up. Less time spent in the presence of this kind of crap....
And more time spent doing things that leave you looking like this....
Hopefully now this mentality may be stored away until next December, as the spirit of this post is certainly at odds with my last, but if not, I will be sure to reach into my shorts to see what I can find.

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